Why I write (blog hop)

3 Aug

Elias from CBR Foodie has invited me to participate in the popular ‘blog hop’ Why I write. The blog hop’s for bloggers to take a break from what they might usually post about, and offer a little more insight to themselves and their motivations for writing. It also gives the participating bloggers a chance to reflect.

Here goes!

What am I working on?

I always have a lot of ideas, but very few drafts. Something can sit in my head or be on a to do list for a while (“I really need to write that blog post” or “Should I write about this again?”), but once I commit to writing about something, I sit down and do it.

For the blog overall, I’m in the slow process of moving to a wordpress.org hosted site. I’ve actually run out of room to store pictures on the wordpress.com system, so have been linking to my photos I’ve uploaded to Facebook through a URL as a stop gap measure. I’m also working on more to do with getting trolleys off our streets (I’m sure you’re all looking forward to that!).

Trolleys gathering for their morning chat

Trolleys gathering for their morning chat

How does my writing differ from others in its genre?

I think I’m largely regarded as a food/restaurant blogger, which probably reflects my strong interest in eating! But ultimately this is a blog about anything in Canberra – whether it’s related to food and drink, or getting amongst nature, or heading to a once-off event. I largely save promoting events to Facebook and Twitter – the blog is predominantly a review blog. I want to be able to share an experience, and whether – based on that experience – I think something is worth doing or visiting or eating taking into account its cost and the time it takes (thus my ‘Worthwhile factor’). However, in response to a bit of feedback, I do an occasional Coming up in Canberra post to share what’s caught my eye and seems like a worthwhile event (including things I’ve been to before and can recommend from experience).


Why do I write?

I write because I love Canberra, and I want to share and promote all there is to do and see and eat and drink to Canberrans and visitors alike. Personally, the unexpected by-product is that I’ve got a great record of what I’ve been up to over the last few years, an accessible bank of memory (with some pretty photos, to boot). And while it isn’t the reason which inspired me to write, what helps maintain the motivation is the wonderful connections I’ve made through the blog. From the friendships I’ve made with other bloggers to the stimulating conversations on Facebook and Twitter, to someone who recognises me stopping me in the street and takes the time to tell me they like the blog – it all gives me a thrill, and none of it would have been possible without the blog.


How does my writing process work?

I try to take notes at most events, particularly if I know I’m not going to get a chance to write the post for a little while (or if there’s a bit of wine involved!). I take a DSLR to most events; I think I’ve got enough knowledge to get a decent picture, but I try to keep the time I’m setting the photo up to a minimum (it’s particularly difficult to eat or drink with a camera in your hands!). My aim is to post quickly – there’s nothing that aids procrastination more than feeling like there’s too much to do or write; I hate having a build up posts (unfortunately it doesn’t always happen that way!). I shoot in RAW, and quickly edit all my photos in Photoshop – again, I’ve got enough knowledge for Photoshop to make a difference, but not enough to create something brilliant. I then start writing the post, and insert the images as I go. After it’s posted, e-mail subscribers get notified, and I promote it through Facebook and Twitter. If I’m very good, I’ll schedule to promote posts via Hootsuite (which is, I think, the best application for this).



Passing the baton!

My turn to pass the baton! I’ve chosen (and she’s kindly accepted) to nominate Erin from Mouthless Mutters.  Erin’s active throughout all social media and, like me, a proud Canberra advocate.  Erin’s traditionally a south-sider, and I love reading her reviews of places I haven’t even heard of. She’s also recently had major surgery, and has shared exactly what that’s entailed and the continuing results – both physically and more personally. I love Erin’s openness, her wit and her genuinely interesting blog topics. I have found myself spending hours reading through her posts! Over to you, Erin.

Erin from Mouthless Mutters!

5 Responses to “Why I write (blog hop)”

  1. Tales of a Confectionist August 3, 2014 at 4:09 pm #

    Oooh can’t wait to see yours Erin!

  2. Erin August 3, 2014 at 7:35 pm #

    Holy Moly Tara – this blog got me so many visits, I broke my highest number of views per day record. Thanks. I think. Also I just posted my one 😉

  3. whisperinggums August 4, 2014 at 7:25 pm #

    Lovely to read your post Tara … must say that while I enjoy your restaurant and food posts, I do see you as more widely a Canberra and region blogger which is probably why I read you rather than food/restaurant bloggers. I love seeing what you think about places I love (or don’t) and hearing about places/events I haven’t experienced.

  4. 36viewsofblackmountain April 7, 2015 at 6:36 pm #

    Really interesting to get some insights into your (excellent) blog. I certainly see it as a resource for what to do and see around our great city and region. Will be interested to hear your solution to our rogue shopping trolley population as well. It’s a bit of a game for us as we’re driving around to guess the local shops from which they’ve strayed – sometimes they’re so far from anything it’s hard to pinpoint a source!

What do you reckon?